Welcome to a new edition of Voices of Women in Crypto!
We spoke with the lovely attorney, Danielle Clark, on her experiences within the intersections of crypto and legal. Danielle got started in crypto in 2019 through friends who were into innovative technology. Danielle always enjoyed the concept of “magic internet money” and through her research and tech friends' support, crypto eventually made sense to her.
Danielle started out working in litigation, but later bit the bullet and started her own law firm. Her expertise in intellectual property and experience with blockchains and NFTs provides her with an exceptional level of skill that allows her to fully evaluate and advocate on behalf of her clients.
Danielle is extremely passionate about teaching and onboarding her crypto-curious Web2 clients. One of her biggest crypto-related achievements was speaking at NFT.NYC this year and sharing her knowledge of the legal landscape surrounding crypto. She believes in connections, asking other attorney friends in other fields about topics to learn more and better help clients. And I agree, you can’t be an expert in every subject.
We asked Danielle what meaningful improvements to this space would look like. She noted Twitter culture as particularly interesting. She believes the space can further develop by truly facilitating community and technology rather than merely seeking Lambos and money. She encourages more female-led projects with art appealing to all genders.
Speaking of gender equality, we discussed how it may be difficult for women to enter the crypto space.
Most people still don't understand crypto, which can make it an even more scary subject for others to talk about. Danielle believes women entering the space should join pro-women communities that educate and host events about financial matters and blockchain technology. She suggested communities such as Cryptohoes and Generation She, a collection of Gen Z’s who focus on onboarding and involvement in crypto within the New York area.
We touched upon imposter syndrome and Danielle shared every single human has felt this. She states: “It’s so normal in anything you’re growing your expertise in. Remember that no one in this space is an expert. This space is still so new! There is an overwhelming amount of information. Try asking for help! Ask an attorney, ask people. You’re literally talking to someone behind a screen! If you say something dumb or freeze up, so what!”
Danielle’s energy throughout the interview was *chef’s kiss.* Her excitement for the future of crypto keeps us uplifted even in a bearish market!